June 2023

Taryn Davis

Taryn Davis works as a consultant to small businesses on process improvement and internal infrastructure. As a Boulder native, she grew up around small business and gained a background in continuous improvement, change management and information systems before starting her own business. She enjoys working with small businesses in a variety of disciplines to turn difficult corners and create a path forward for the business that allows it to scale in a sustainable way. For more information, please visit tbd-strategies.com.

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Rama Haris

An advocate for innovators and entrepreneurs, Rama Haris leads the Advanced Industries Accelerator Program for the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT). As Senior Manager she develops early stage and start-up Colorado companies, while enhancing the State’s advanced industries through partnerships with Colorado technology transfer offices and advanced industry stakeholders. She also oversees OEDIT’s export grant programs which are helping Colorado to become a major exporter in the global market.

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Del Mackey

Del Mackey is the founder and CEO of Peak Innovations Group LLC, a small business assistance organization dedicated towards helping innovative companies move further towards a successful commercial undertaking. Del has over a decade of experience in the SBIR/STTR programs, where he worked both sides of the fence; in one capacity as part of a small business seeking funding and in another capacity as part of a FAST awardee team helping hundreds of businesses go after these funding opportunities. Del brings this expertise to bear at Peak, focusing on grant writing and proposal creation, market exploration and understanding, product planning and pipelining, and funding opportunity matching. Del has a BIS from National University and an MBA from New Mexico State University.

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